Friday 14 March 2014

Ethical: BBC Producers' Guidelines

"Audiences rightlight expect the highest editorial and ethical standards from the BBC. The BBC's Producer' Guidelines are a public statement of those values and standards and how we expect our programme-makers to achieve them.

They detail the BBC's approach to the most difficult editorial issues and provide guidance which programme makers at all levels need to be aware of and follow."
Greg Dyke, Director General of the BBC.

The first note to be made is the change in name, the BBC Producers' Guidelines has been renamed to BBC Editorial Guidelines.

There are 11 editorial values;
- Trust
- Truth and Accuracy
- Impartiality
- Editorial Integrity and Independence 
- Harm and Offence
- Serving the Public Interest
- Fairness
- Privacy
- Children
- Transparency
- Accountability

The editorial guidelines are in place to ensure that the BBC stick to what is right, moral and fair for it's widespread audience. Because of the heavy hand we have in the financial side of the BBC, it's only fair that we have large input in the content of their media platforms, after it's there for us at our disposal. 

These points are all of ethical standpoint, regarding the way in which we are treated as separate groups and many of these points are also considered within the PCC (Press Complaints Commission, this will be covered in the third section of information).

The BBC says that the 'audience is at the heart of everything we do', meaning their main focus is to provide their audience with the media they wish to consume, for the most part.

They note that the guidelines are quite strict and hard to abide by, but they will do everything in their powerful to stay true to their morals, expectations and promises.

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